Tentang Jurnal Ini

Altra: Journal of Health Maternal and Pediatric (AJOHMAP) is a means of publishing scientific work for health researchers, especially professional nurses and midwifery. Altra: Journal of Health Maternal and Pediatric (AJOHMAP)  published by CV. Holistic Nusa Medika.

Altra: Journal of Health Maternal and Pediatric (AJOHMAP) publishes articles which are the result of research within the scope of pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, Reproductive Health, Child Health, Midwifery, Family Planning, and other fields related to maternal and child health.

Altra: Journal of Health Maternal and Pediatric (AJOHMAP) is published 2 times a year, namely March and September.

Articles published in Altra: Journal of Health Maternal and Pediatric (AJOHMAP) have gone through a peer review process that has the relevant expertise of at least 2 (two) reviewers. The language used in this journal is English or Indonesian.